In another case reported by Vatsala Gupta, IPS, Senior Police Captain, Kapurthala, a preliminary campaign has been initiated against rising thefts in Kapurthala district. Surinder Singh alias Shindar, son of Gurdeep Singh, and Chain Singh, residents of Boot village, Thana Subhanpur, are under scrutiny. The seizure of a stolen motorcycle, a Splendor without a number plate, by CI Staff Incharge Jarnail Singh led to an interrogation, resulting in the recovery of 60 liters of stolen transformer oil from them.
Motorcycles parked within the Subhanpur station area were targeted for oil theft from transformers. A case has been registered under sections 457 and 380 at the Subhanpur station. This group has been involved in stealing oil from transformers attached to various motorbikes across different areas in the district for quite some time. This syndicate has pilfered oil from approximately 200 to 250 transformers.
Five members of this syndicate were previously arrested by CI Staff and sent to jail.
There are prior cases registered against Surinder Singh alias Shindar in two incidents and one case against Shinda Singh for theft. Intensive interrogation is ongoing with the apprehended individuals, raising the likelihood of uncovering further incidents and recoveries.
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