Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha said his government on Tuesday signed eight Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with private players amounting to Rs 312.38 crore to promote industries in the northeastern state.
The MoUs include the establishment of a medical college with an estimated cost of Rs 247 crore on a public-private partnership (PPP) model in Dhalai, a tribal-dominated district. At present, the state has two medical colleges: the government-run Agartala Govt Medical College (AGMC) and the society-run Tripura Medical College (TMC), as well as one dental college.
“Connectivity is key for the development of socio-economic conditions, and the northeastern states have witnessed massive improvements in connectivity, be it railways, national highways, or airways,” Saha said at the Tripura Roundtable on Investment Opportunities.
Asserting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given the HIRA model (highways, internet, railway, and airway), Saha said the people of Tripura never thought of getting 12 express trains, but today it is a reality. “Tripura has the third-strongest internet gateway in the country. MBB Airport in Agartala is one of the best airports in eastern India. The Northeastern state has already got seven national highways”, he said. With connectivity improving rapidly, investors are showing interest in setting up industries in the northeastern state, he said, adding that eight MoUs amounting to Rs 312.38 crore were signed on Tuesday while more investors are coming for investment.
Claiming that the Feni bridge will be made operational in the next couple of months, the Tripura chief minister said the northeastern state will be the gateway to the entire Southeast Asia and Bangladesh.
“Use of Mongla and Chittagong ports will be possible once the Feni bridge is commissioned, which is likely this year. Even the proposed Matabari seaport will be easily accessed by the
border state.