An official stated that in the North Tripura district, Tripura Police apprehended a man in possession of heroin valued at Rs 40 lakh. In the Karimganj district, the accused, Rashid Ahmed, lived in the Patharkandi neighborhood. As stated by Bhanupada Chakraborty, Superintendent of Police (SP), “Police Inspector Shuburanjan Dey in Kadamtala Police Station arrested Rashid Ahmed with 437gm of heroin worth Rs 40 lakh on Wednesday acting on confidential information from a reliable source.”
The investigation is under process and the accused has been booked under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS) Act, informed police.
Earlier this week, in a joint operation, BSF troops of Tripura Frontier along with NCB, Tripura State Rifles, Tripura Police and Excise Department destroyed around 31,500 immature Ganja plants in the villages of Gajeria and Ganiyamara in West Tripura district.
BSF has been carrying out a series of joint operations against illegal cultivation of Ganja in Tripura for the past week.
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