A five-year-old boy was killed when a Trinamool Congress MP’s SUV allegedly hit the boy on Wednesday afternoon. The incident happened when the MP Abu Taher Khan was travelling in West Bengal’s Murshidabad district. Police have arrested the car’s driver, Alamgir Mondol, and the vehicle was also seized. 

The incident took place around 2pm when Khan, the MP from Murshidabad, was heading towards Baharampore, the district headquarter, 40km away from his residence at Nowda. 

An officer of the Nowda police station said: “The child had come to the bank with his mother. While his mother was busy inside the bank, the child suddenly came out and was trying to run across the state highway.” 

The child suffered severe head injuries and was rushed to the Murshidabad Medical College and Hospital in the MP’s vehicle. He, however, succumbed a few hours later.

“The child got hit by my vehicle when he was trying to run across the road. I tried to locate the child’s parents. But as his parents were not close-by I took him in my lap and rushed him to the hospital in my vehicle. He suffered severe head injuries. The doctors tried their best but couldn’t save him,” said Khan.