Mumbai: Chief Secretary Sitaram Kunte submitted report to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on phone tapping by IPS Rashmi Shukla. He has denied police transfers as claimed in phone tapping and those done were based on recommendation of Establishment Board. No wrong doing came to fore. In his report has denied charges made by Devendra Fadnavis on police transfer scam citing Rashmi Shukla phone tapping report.
It also revealed Shukla violated top secret act and it also established that she had only leaked confidential information through pen drive. As per report, no such transfers were done. Meanwhile amid allegations and counter-allegations over phone tapping, Maharashtra Cabinet Minister and NCP leader Jitendra Awhad claimed that then Commissioner of Intelligence Rashmi Shukla intercepted calls without permission from then Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Sitaram Kunte. He is now the chief secretary of the state. Awhad made the remark after the Cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, on Wednesday. After the phone roping issue Maharashtra may see major IAS, IPS reshuffle after top Ministers raise concerns, says sources.
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