In a devastating incident, a 32-year-old man reportedly took his own life by jumping from the terrace of his apartment in Versova around 2 pm yesterday. The Mumbai police have registered an Accidental Death Report (ADR) in connection with the incident.

The tragic event unfolded when the man leaped from the 21st floor of a high-rise apartment located in Mumbai’s Sewri area. Police authorities have detained three individuals for questioning in relation to the incident.

The building’s watchman alerted the police, reporting that a man had jumped from the Dosti Flamingos apartment. Upon receiving the information, officers from the Rafi Ahmed Kidwai (RAK) Marg Police Station promptly arrived at the scene and took custody of the victim’s body.

The police revealed that the young man took the drastic step while his friends were present in the room. The authorities are interrogating the three friends who were reportedly partying with the deceased until late at night. No suicide note was found at the scene.

As investigations continue, the police are working to determine the factors that led the man to take such a tragic and extreme measure. Further details on the incident are awaited as the authorities delve deeper into the circumstances surrounding the heartbreaking suicide.