A heart-wrenching incident unfolded in Dadwindi village as a woman lost her life in a road accident involving a tipper. The entire incident was captured on CCTV, shedding light on the unfortunate event. Lakhwinder Singh, the chief of the local police station, reported that Manjeet Kaur, wife of Sucha Singh from Dadwindi village, sustained serious injuries when she was struck by a tipper while crossing the road. Family members rushed her to Civil Hospital Kapurthala, where doctors, unfortunately, declared her dead.
The police have taken custody of the body, placing it in the mortuary at Civil Hospital Kapurthala. Lakhwinder Singh stated that legal proceedings will be initiated based on statements provided by the family. Sucha Singh, the bereaved husband, recounted that his wife had gone for an evening stroll after dinner. Tragically, as she crossed the road, a tipper collided with her, causing severe injuries. Despite efforts to seek medical attention at Kapurthala hospital, she succumbed to her injuries.»