In a devastating incident on Sunday in Pali, a loaded tempo carrying labourers met with a severe road accident, resulting in two fatalities and leaving 13 others, including the driver, seriously injured. The tragic incident occurred near Khutani village in the Jaitpur police station area around 9:30 am.
The loaded tempo, en route to Boltara for RCC work at a construction site, experienced a sudden tire burst. The tempo, which also had a cement mixer attached, lost control due to the burst tire, subsequently overturning multiple times before coming to a halt on the side of the highway. The labourers on board were thrown into the air, resulting in injuries.
Tragically, Dhannaram (36), a resident of Pratapnagar in Pali city, lost his life at the scene. The injured, including the tempo driver, were promptly taken to Bangad Hospital with the assistance of locals. Despite efforts, Bina (40), wife of Ratanlal Bhat from Pratap Nagar in Pali, succumbed to her injuries during treatment.
The ongoing treatment at Bangad Hospital involves several individuals, including Lakhan (55) from Chimanpura village, Pappu Banjara, Vikas (21) from Pratapgarh (Baswada), Ishwar (25) from Kharadi (Dhanpur) in Banswada, and Sampatlal (24) from Pratap Nagar in Pali, who sustained serious injuries.
Additionally, eight more individuals are receiving medical care for injuries sustained in the unfortunate accident. The Rohat Police Station is actively investigating the incident.