Fayaz Ansari, a skilled makeup artist from Nagina, Bijnor, tragically drowned in a hotel swimming pool in the West Indies while accompanying former cricketer Irfan Pathan for the ICC T20 World Cup 2024. Ansari had moved to Mumbai 22 years ago and had a successful salon there, where Pathan was one of his prominent clients. Their professional bond grew, leading Pathan to invite Ansari along for international events like the ongoing cricket tournament.

The incident happened on June 21 during the Super 8 matches in the West Indies. Ansari’s cousin, Mohammad Ahmed, shared that Ansari had recently married and had returned to Mumbai from Nagina just eight days before joining Pathan for the T20 World Cup. The sudden loss has left his family, especially his wife and relatives, deeply devastated.

Irfan Pathan, deeply moved by the tragedy, has taken charge of arranging for Fayaz Ansari’s body to be brought back to India. He is working closely with authorities in the West Indies to ensure all procedures are completed promptly. Ansari’s family expects to receive his body in Delhi within the next three to four days.

The sudden loss of Fayaz Ansari has deeply affected his family, friends, and the cricketing community, reminding everyone of life’s uncertainties during a major sports event. Ansari’s journey from Bijnor to Mumbai, where he found success in the beauty industry, reflects his determination and talent. His death is mourned not only by those close to him but also by the industry that valued his skills and dedication.