Harish Kumar, a retired officer from the electricity department and a former Junior Engineer (JE), serving in the role of Hanuman in the ongoing Ramleela in the Jain Chauk area of Bhiwani under the Pran Pratishtha Mahotsav of the Shri Ram Temple in Ayodhya, passed away due to a heart attack.

While enacting the role of Hanuman, he fell at the feet of a child portraying Shri Ram, leading people to initially believe it was part of the acting. Applause erupted from the audience, assuming it to be a dramatic scene.

However, he was quickly rushed to the hospital directly from the Ramleela stage.
It should be noted that a stage was set up at Jain Chauk in Bhiwani for the Pran Pratishtha event, where artists were portraying various forms, including Shri Ram, showcasing their artistic talents.