The traffic police in Chandigarh, led by employees from the Integrated Command and Control Center, are stopping vehicles coming from other states on the middle lane of Madhya Marg, ostensibly for violation checks. This activity is primarily taking place around Sector 26-27 and Junction 7. Upon sighting an external vehicle, an indication is made to halt it in the middle of the road, causing a daily risk of accidents due to drivers reacting hastily to police signals. On Tuesday, around 11 AM, a constable and a Sub-Inspector deployed as part of a special team stopped approximately half a dozen vehicles on Madhya Marg for violation checks by signaling them with their hands. As a result, several vehicles narrowly avoided collisions. Subsequently, a car driver with a Chandigarh registration protested at the Transport Light Point. Following the protest, the team left with the detained driver. An official from the Chandigarh Police mentioned that some corrupt officials are tarnishing the reputation of the entire police force. This issue had been highlighted by the society earlier, and despite the initiation of the Integrated Command and Control Center in Sector 17, the issuance of challans has not ceased, contrary to the directives of the Police DGP.

Police Stuck in Old System Despite Chandigarh’s Smart City Status
The Integrated Command and Control Center (ICCC) in Sector 17, built at a cost of 295 crores to make Chandigarh a smart city, is not stopping the traffic police from issuing challans on the main roads. The administration spent 295 crores to establish the ICCC, but the police seem reluctant to move away from the old system. Despite the inauguration of the project, the traffic police continue to stop vehicles in the middle of the road for challans. Home Minister Amit Shah, during the project’s inauguration, had warned residents not to make mistakes, as challans would reach their homes if they violated traffic rules. However, these challans are primarily being issued in areas where high-tech cameras are installed, such as Manimajra Housing Board Chowk, Kalagram Chowk on Madhya Marg, Bapu Dham Light Point on Purv Marg, and dividing roads in Sector 5/6 on Sarovar Path. Inspector Iram Razvi, Traffic Inspector East, stated that stopping vehicles in the middle of the road without reason on Madhya Marg is incorrect, and the matter will be investigated. Harassing an external vehicle operator without cause is also wrong.

City Features 2190 High-Tech Cameras at 285 Locations
Chandigarh Smart City Limited has installed automatic number plate recognition, red light violation detection, and overspeed detection cameras at 40 junctions in the city and 21 entry points in Panchkula, Mohali, and Zirakpur. There are 2190 high-tech cameras installed at 285 locations in the city. Violation challans are sent directly to the residences of vehicle operators.
No Stopping – No Parking Zones on All Major Routes in Chandigarh
In a meeting of the District-Level Road Safety Council, it was announced that all major roads in Chandigarh, including Madhya Marg, South, Jan, Himalaya, Purv Marg, and Udyog Sarovar Path, would be designated as no stopping and no parking zones