Chandigarh Traffic Police has issued an advisory in light of the visit by Home Minister Amit Shah. The advisory indicates that, on December 22, several roads in the city will be closed and traffic will be diverted due to the presence of Union Home Minister Amit Shah. Over 1,100 police and paramilitary personnel have been deployed for security during the visit.

Chandigarh Police released a detailed traffic advisory for the scheduled travel. Union Home Minister Amit Shah is set to inaugurate development projects worth crores of rupees in the tricity. Citizens are advised to avoid movement from Rajindra Park, Sector 2 and 3 Small Chowk to Lake Light Point on North Marg between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm on December 22, as well as from Heera Singh Chowk towards Vigyan Path. Roads leading from SGGS Light Point to Sant Kabir Light Point on Golf Turn and Sukhna Path will be closed due to VVIP movement. Alternative routes should be used to reach destinations.

Chandigarh Traffic Police emphasizes that those attending the program during the Home Minister’s visit should park their vehicles in designated parking areas only. Additionally, the general public is reminded not to park in no-parking areas, as strict action will be taken.
Security and other preparations for Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit will be reviewed. The advisory states that traffic will be diverted or restricted from Rajindra Park, Sector 2/3 small intersection on North Road to Sukhna Lake Light Point. During VVIP movement on Vigyan Path, traffic movement will be restricted from Heera Singh Chowk, Golf Turn, and Shri Guru Gobind Singh College (SGSS) Light Point, Sector 26 to St. Kabir Light Point on Sukhna Path. Traffic will also be restricted on the entire southern route from SGGS Light Point-26, Grain Market-26 roundabout on Sukhna Path, Sarovar Path on AP Chowk, Old Labor Roundabout, Sector 34/20, and New Labor Roundabout near Sham Fashion Mall, Sector 34, up to Zirakpur Barrier. The public is requested to avoid these roads from 6 pm to 8 pm.