The Chandigarh police have issued a traffic advisory for Republic Day. In view of the Republic Day ceremony at Parade Ground, Sector 17, Chandigarh, the following traffic restrictions/diversions will be in place on January 26th. Roads around Parade Ground, Sector 17, will remain closed from 6:30 AM until the conclusion of the ceremony. The designated diversion routes include Gurudayal Singh Petrol Pump to Sector 22 via Udyog Path, Old District Court to Shivalk Hotel behind Sector 17, and Light Point from Lyons Restaurant to MC Office Sector 17.

Parking will not be allowed in the market areas of Sector 22-E until the ceremony concludes. Special invitees with authorized parking labels are requested to park their vehicles in front of Parade Ground, Sector 17, taking the Golf Circle route from Sectors 16/17/22/23 (Cricket Stadium Chowk). During the dispersal period, only buses will be allowed to operate in this area.

Invited individuals are requested to be seated at Parade Ground, Sector 17, by 9:15 AM. Special invitees/present individuals are urged to enter Parade Ground from gates 4, 6, and 7, located in front of Sector 22, Chandigarh. The general public is requested to enter Parade Ground from gates 8, 9, and 10, i.e., ISBT Sector 17, Chandigarh.

All attendees are advised to carry a valid photo identification. Special invitees are requested to display authorized parking labels prominently on their vehicle windshields and carry the invitation letter. All present individuals are urged not to bring objectionable items such as bags, matchboxes, knives, cigarettes, weapons, alcohol, inflammable substances, electronic devices, black flags, banners/posters, etc. Please remain seated in the designated area until the end of the ceremony and then disperse in an orderly manner.