Troubled by various issues in the markets of Parikote, traders came down to the streets on Thursday. Under the vigilance of Jaipur Vyapar Mahasangh, traders staged a major sit-in at Badi Chaupar and warned the administration that if their issues were not resolved within 15 days, they would shut down Jaipur.
The executive president of the Mahasangh, Harish Kedia, said, “Encroachment, e-rickshaws, and parking are major problems in Parikote. When salespeople or customers do not stop in the market, how will business grow?”
Suresh Saini, the secretary of the MI Road Vyapar Mandal, said, “The transport department, Heritage Nagar Nigam, and traffic police will work together, only then will customers, traders, and salespeople get relief.
Kailash Mittal, the organizer of the sit-in, said that if irregularities are not resolved within 15 days, they will shut down Jaipur and organize a massive rally.”
Traders will submit a memorandum to Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma. They asserted that the government wants to listen, but officials are not paying attention.
Kuldeep Singh, the president of the Auto Rickshaw Union, assured that the Mahasangh would agree to determine a new rent rate and operate auto-rickshaws with meters.
The program was chaired by Mahasangh President Subhash Goyal. Mahasangh Secretary Surendra Baj, Neeraj Luhadia, Prakash Singh, and Mintar Singh Rajawat also addressed the traders present in the sit-in.
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