CHENNAI: BJP’s refusal to acknowledge Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi Palaniswami as AIADMK-BJP Chief Minister candidate for the upcoming Assembly elections still continues, with the Tamil Nadu BJP in-charge C.T. Ravi tweeting: “It is clear that once the NDA comes to power in Tamil Nadu, NDA Co-ordination Committee will take a final decision about the Chief Minister.”
C.T. Ravi also added that the NDA co-ordination committee will announce the CM candidate after the elections and this comes in complete contraction to the tradition of Tamil Nadu politics.
O. Panneerselvam, who answered question on the remarks made by the BJP leaders, said: “We have already made clear about our Chief Minister candidate.”
Political observers say that this strategy of not associating with AIADMK will not help BJP in vote conservation during the polls and will create confusion in the ranks of the AIADMK cadres.
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The olympic medalist shared the news with his fans on Instagram on Sunday.