The Tamil Nadu Assembly will meet here on Monday, amid the Cauvery river water dispute with neighbouring Karnataka, besides other local issues. This will also be the first session post snapping of ties between ertwhile allies, the AIADMK and BJP. While AIADMK, the main opposition party has 66 MLAs, BJP has 4. The two had jointly faced the 2021 state polls as NDA constituents. TN Finance minister Thangam Thennarasu is slated to present the first supplementary estimates for FY 2023-24 on Monday. The session is expected to be brief.
Outgoing President Joe Biden has confirmed his attendance at the ceremony to ensure a peaceful…
The return of Pizarro’s statue to Lima’s main square has sparked mixed reactions, reflecting ongoing…
Trump's rally, featuring high-profile speakers and performers, sets the stage for his second term, previewing…
The Maha Kumbh, which began on January 13, will continue until February 26.
The sixth and youngest child of Mohammad Aslam from Budhal village in Rajouri district succumbed…
A Myanmar military airstrike in Rakhine state killed 28 people, including nine children, and wounded…