Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal accused the producer Asit Kumarr Modi of making sexual advances toward her. She has filed a case against him, project Head Sohail Ramani and executive producer, Jatin Bajaj. For those unaware, the actress is renowned for her character Mrs. Roshan Singh Sodhi in the popular sitcom. She stopped shooting for the show months ago, and her last working day was Mach 6.
The actress told ETimes, “I was asked to get off the sets four times by Sohail Ramani and Jatin Bajaj tried to stop my car by standing behind it and was not allowing to me to leave the sets. I told them that I worked on the show for 15 years, and they couldn’t forcefully stop me, and while I was leaving Sohail threatened me. I have filed a case of sexual harassment against Asit Kumarr Modi, Sohail Ramani, and Jatin Bajaj.”
Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal sent a notice to Asit Modi, Sohil Ramani, and Jatin Bajaj on April 8 and has also sent a registry to all the government authorities. Jennifer is, however, yet to receive a reply.
Now, Asit Kumar Modi has reacted to the actress’s sexual harassment allegations. In his official statement, he said, “We will take legal action as she is trying to defame me and the show both. Since we terminated her services, she is making these baseless allegations.”
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