The ruling Trinamool Congress in West Bengal has prepared a countermove ahead of Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s speech to a large rally in Kolkata on Wednesday. In anticipation of Amit Shah’s “Kolkata Chalo Abhiyan” rally, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) National President JP Nadda has put up posters of Shah in front of Victoria House. The BJP has also organized public meetings throughout the state to rally supporters. In the meantime, the Youth and Chhatra Parishad of the All India Trinamool Congress has gained strength by focusing on problems like unemployment and inflation.
Kailash Mishra, a leader of the Trinamool’s Youth and Chhatra Parishad said that 51, 000 letters have been written to Shah highlighting the rising unemployment and the economic situation of the country.
Mishra said that the letters point at BJP-led Union Government’s “discrimination” against West Bengal. He alleged that funds for the state have been withheld to “exact political revenge”.
“We are writing these letters to the country’s Home Minister Amit Shah. He is coming to Bengal and these letters will be given to him which say that there are thousands and lakhs of people in Bengal who have worked for 100 days but they have not received their money. You are welcome to come to Bengal but tell us why the people of Bengal are being discriminated. You will have to answer…,” Mishra said.
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