Amidst the ongoing seventh phase of West Bengal Assembly elections on Monday, BJP president JP Nadda alleged that the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress (TMC) displayed the lowest level of ethics, immaturity and provocative electioneering during the polls.
Briefing mediapersons, Nadda said, “This West Bengal election was unprecedented and unique in its own way. With a lot of maturity, in spite of all provocations, a high standard of electioneering maintained by BJP. TMC displayed the lowest level of ethics, immaturity and provocative electioneering. In this election, Mamata ji tried to create false narratives. But I salute the electorate of Bengal who rejected these narratives and gave their support and blessings to BJP.”
“The word she (Mamata Banerjee) used along with my name…Is it the culture and language of Bengal? We represent Bengali culture. With full pride, I can say that no other person lives the Bengali culture as much as I do. The language used by her cannot be Bengal’s language,” he added.