Hanumangarh: The Tibetan market in Hanumangarh was completely shut down on Friday in response to demands for wider roads. Responding to the call from the Road Construction Struggle Committee, citizens gathered at Bhagat Singh Chowk in Tibbi, staged a roadblock demonstration and closed the market in response to their demands. According to the Struggle Committee, under the guise of road construction, the main road in the Tibetan market, part of the Sadulshehar-Chaiya State Highway 76, is supposed to be widened to 61 feet. However, the Public Works Department is currently widening the road to only 46 feet.
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Vivian Dsena secured the first runner-up spot, while Rajat Dalal was named the second runner-up.
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Biden hailed a ceasefire in Gaza, marking his last day in office. He praised the…