Days after the completion of Bell Bottom’s shooting, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar on Monday treated the audiences with a swanky retro-themed teaser. Just in true Akshay Kumar fashion, the teaser of Bell Bottom is extravagant, high on swag and full of entertainment. In the teaser, we see the superstar walking towards a private jet dressed in navy-coloured suit styled with sunglasses and a suitcase. Post which, there is a shot of him striking a pose on a moving truck. The 29-second teaser is enough to generate excitement among the audiences for what’s more to come. Co-starring Vaani Kapoor, Lara Dutta and Huma Qureshi, Bell Bottom is an espionage thriller based in the 80s and is scheduled for a theatrical release on April 2, 2020. Bell Bottom is the first film to complete shooting in an international location post Covid-19 pandemic. Speaking about the ‘new normal’, Akshay earlier expressed that the new normal has made them realise a different way of working that nobody could have even imagined.
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