Sagar district was left terror-stricken as three watchmen were killed in the last 72 hours. Police confirm that an investigation into the “psycho-killer” is underway. Four incidents involving the killing of watchmen have been reported in the Sagar district within a span of two months. The last three killings have taken place in the last three days.
According to police, different equipment like hammers and stones has been used for the crime. People sleeping outside their homes at night appear to be the killer’s primary target. “Three watchmen have been killed in the last three days. Firstly, a watchman sleeping outside a factory was killed using a hammer. Secondly, the watchman of the Arts and Commerce College in the same district was killed using heavy stones.
Then, on Wednesday night, another watchman guard was killed using a spade in the Ratona district” said ASP of Sagar district, Vikram Singh Kushwaha told the press on Wednesday. The victim from yesterday’s incident was referred to Bhopal in critical condition for treatment. Earlier in May, a security guard sleeping below the Macronia railway overbridge was killed using heavy stones.
The Madhya Pradesh Police suspects a “psycho-killer” behind these incidents. “In the first murder, a hammer was used as a weapon, and in the second murder, a stone was used. Another watchman was murdered last night in Sagar’s Motinagar area.
Searches for the suspected murderer are underway. Police have got some important leads and are also interrogating the suspects. One of the suspects was seen in the Motinagar area, and police are conducting searches,” the ASP said.
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