The Purana Industrial Police Station arrested three suspects, Sachin Batra from Batra Colony and Aman from Didwada Jind, for stealing spools of thread from a company’s warehouse in the old industrial area. The Industrial Inspector in charge of the Purana Industrial Police Station, Inspector Veerendra, reported that the complaint was filed by Navin Bansal, a resident of Model Town, who had a company with the name “Heritage Exports” and a warehouse in Batra Colony and the old industrial area.
On October 26th, the company’s employee, Prince, was given the key to the warehouse by Navin Bansal to bring spools of thread from the warehouse to the company. Prince also brought Aman and Sachin with him. However, before they arrived at the company, they sold seven spools of thread to someone along the way. When this came to light, they inquired with the warehouse caretaker, Sonu, who provided them with all the details. Sachin, Prince, and Aman confessed to stealing the company’s merchandise. Following the complaint, the Purana Industrial Police Station initiated an investigation.
Inspector Veerendra mentioned that after conducting the investigation and obtaining information about the possible whereabouts of the suspects, they arrested Sachin and Aman from Pipal Mandi. During the questioning, both suspects, in conjunction with their accomplice, Prince, admitted to having been involved in theft from the warehouse for a while. After stealing the goods, they sold them to Moradhwaj, who resided in Barsodia, Sitapur, and worked as a laborer in Shastri Colony. The police also arrested Moradhwaj based on the information provided by the suspects.
Inspector Veerendra explained that both the suspects had spent most of the stolen money. The police recovered Rs. 15,000 from their possession, while they retrieved 4 spools of thread and 82 spools of yarn from Moradhwaj’s possession. On Wednesday, all three suspects were presented in court, with Moradhwaj being sent to ju