Three members of the Popular Front of India (PFI) were detained by the National Investigation Agency on Saturday in Bengaluru and the Dakshina Kannada district in connection with the murder of BJP Yuva Morcha member Praveen Nettaru. Five places in Dakshina Kannada, Hubbali, and Mysuru were searched by the agency. Digital gadgets and incriminating papers were seized from the homes of the accused during the searches.

The NIA detained three PFI employees, K. Mahammad Iqbal, K. Ismail Shafi, and Ibrahim, for their direct participation in the plot to kill Nettaru. Ten people in total have been detained in relation to the murder case up to this point. The agency has also announced a reward for information leading to the capture of four suspects who have fled the scene of the crime.

Bellare resident Nettaru held the positions of district secretary for both the BJP Yuva Morcha and Bellare.

In accordance with the NIA FIR, Nettaru closed his chicken shop on July 26 at 8:30 p.m. He walked inside the store to get his raincoat as he was getting ready to ride his bike home.

The complainant emerged from the store after hearing shouting and discovered Nettaru lying on the pavement. With sharp weapons in their hands, three attackers rode away from the scene on their bikes.

Nettaru was transported to Pragathi Hospital in Puttur town after suffering severe head injuries. He was examined by the doctor, who pronounced him dead.