In a tragic incident, four Indian Army jawans were martyred, and three others sustained injuries when terrorists opened fire on two army vehicles in the Dera Ki Gali area of Rajouri. The attack occurred during an ongoing operation in the general area of Dera Ki Gali (DKG), Thanamandi, Rajouri, initiated on the night of December 20.

According to Army sources, at approximately 3:45 PM on December 21, two army vehicles carrying troops were en route to the operational site when they came under gunfire from terrorists. The terrorists’ attack was met with immediate retaliation from the army, leading to casualties among the troops involved in the operation.

“In the ongoing operation, our troops sustained three fatal and three non-fatal casualties. Operations are in progress, and further details are being ascertained,” stated the Army sources.

This unfortunate incident follows the loss of five soldiers, including two Captains, in action during an anti-terror operation in Rajouri’s Kalakote last month. The region has witnessed an escalation in terrorist activities and has become a hotbed for attacks on the army over the past few years.

In April and May of this year, ten soldiers were killed in twin attacks in the Rajouri-Poonch region, marking a departure from the relative peace the area enjoyed between 2003 and 2021. The surge in encounters and attacks has resulted in the loss of over 35 soldiers during anti-terror operations in the past two years.

The security situation in the region remains challenging, highlighting the persistent threats faced by security forces in their efforts to maintain peace and stability. The ongoing operations aim to neutralize the terrorist threat and secure the affected areas.