Karnataka police reported on Friday that three people had been taken into custody in Haveri, Karnataka, on suspicion of gang rape. This occurs one day after several men allegedly thrashed a couple for the “crime” of being together despite practicing different religions when they broke into a lodge room in Hangal, Karnataka’s Haveri district. The woman later told the police that she had been raped by a gang.
“The victim’s statement has been recorded under 164 of the CrPC after producing her before the magistrate,” Haveri Superintendent of Police, Anshu Kumar, said.
According to the Haveri police, the victim has accused seven people in her statement, of whom three have already been arrested.
“She has accused seven people in her statement. Three of them have already been arrested. One is in the hospital. The other three are on the run. We will arrest the remaining accused as well,” the SP said.
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