Delhi Police’s Crime Branch made its 9th arrest in the Sagar Rana murder case. The Crime Branch arrested a wrestler named Vijender from Tikri village in the national capital. During the interrogation, the accused confessed that he was among those who thrashed the wrestlers at the Chhatrasal Stadium’s parking area on the night of 4 May. He also confessed to beating up Sagar and his friends on the instructions of the prime accused, Sushil Kumar. Vijender was produced before the Rohini Court where the police demanded his custody to find out more information about the incident.
Earlier, the Delhi Police›s Crime Branch arrested Rohit Karor, a close aide of Sushil, in connection with the murder case. This was the eighth arrest in the case. Police had also arrested Sushil›s four associates. All the arrested men are members of Kala Asauda and Neeraj Bawana gang. Police said that Sushil Kumar, who is currently in six-day custody and being interrogated by the Crime Branch, is not cooperating with the investigation.
Meanwhile, the Delhi High Court declined to entertain Sushil’s mother Kamla Devi’s petition against his alleged “media trial”. The division bench of Chief Justice D.N. Patel and Justice Jyoti Singh said the issue can be decided if Sushil himself approaches the court.
The court said, “We see no reason to entertain litigation on behalf of a vigilant person. Liberty is reserved with the person who is actually aggrieved to approach the appropriate authority by the way of appropriate proceedings in accordance with law.”
According to Delhi Police sources, Sushil, during the interrogation, confessed that he had no intentions to murder Sagar. He only wanted to teach him a lesson and show others that no one should mess with him in the future or consider him weak.
On Thursday, a video surfaced where Sushil can be clearly seen among a group of men beating Sagar and others on the intervening night of 4 and 5 May. Sushil Kumar too had a stick in his hand. He was dressed in a white shirt and appeared to be hitting the man on the ground in the video.
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