Shekhar Kapur’s directorial Mr. India is one of the most loved films. It has received a cult status over the years. In the film, Anil Kapoor played the titular role. Recently, the actor treated his fans and followers with a rare and unseen picture from the sets of the film, and it is simply unmissable. One of the Twitter users shared a rare picture of Anil, Sridevi, and the director from the set. Reacting to the picture, the senior actor wrote, “That’s a rare pic .. (heart emoji) seen it for the first time .. [Shekhar Kapur] Shekhar looking (thumbs up sign and okay hand emoji).”
Have a look
In the BTS picture, the senior actor is seen donning his brown blazer and hat look as he embraces Sridevi, who is seen in a white dress. On the other hand, Shekhar is seen striking a quirky pose behind Anil. For those unaware, the film also starred Amrish Puri, Satish Kaushik, and Annu Kapoor. Sridevi passed away in 2018. Amrish Puri died in 2005, and Satish died last month. Recently, in an interview with a news portal, the filmmaker said that he would not be comfortable remaking ‘Mr India’ because he fears that he would fail.
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