Bollywood diva Kajol Devgn posed with daughter Nysa Devgn for a NMACC event. Now pictures of the mother-daughter duo posing in designer wear have been shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. Kajol wore a floor-length front-open anarkali gown and had her hair tied in a bun. On the other hand, Nysa was in a silver gown with an attached cape and a plunging neckline. The star kid completed her look with a head accessory and a matching clutch.
Take a look
Reacting to the viral pictures, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Nysa is my new crush.” Another wrote, “so flawlessly elegant.” A third user wrote, “very classy.” A fourth user wrote, “Hottest mommy.” Many dropped heart and fire emojis in the comment section.
Earlier, Kajol took to Instagram and shared a few solo pictures of herself on Instagram. In the caption, she wrote, “Confidence is not only in the mind. It’s in the tilt of chin. It’s in the rebellion of the eyes. It’s the “I dare you” in the way you hold yourself.. It’s the “I know I’m beautiful” in the smile that makes it whole… show me your confidence!”
Take a look at breathtaking pictures of Kajol Devgn
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