SIKAR: In a daring daylight theft in the Udyog Nagar area of Sikar, a thief stole a mobile phone that was charging in a shop. The suspicious thief was caught on the shop’s CCTV camera. Based on this footage, the Udyog Nagar police are now on the lookout for the suspect. Sunil Kumar, a resident of Paladi village in Sikar, operates a shop in Krishna Market near the Navalgarh bus stand. His shop provides Aadhaar services and State Bank of India customer service. On August 3rd, a Sunday, as there were no customers in the shop, Sunil decided to take a rest and lay down near the counter seating area. However, he fell asleep, and when he woke up, he noticed that his mobile phone, which was charging nearby, was missing. Sunil immediately checked the CCTV footage from the cameras installed in the vicinity. The footage showed a young man entering the shop with a bicycle, stealing the mobile phone, and fleeing the scene.
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