After unveiling Kriti Sanon and Tiger Shroff’s looks from the film through posters, the makers of Ganapath have now launched its teaser. While Tiger Shroff appears in a rugged look in the teaser, the gorgeous Kriti Sanon nails the action scenes. Megastar Amitabh Bachchan too appears in the teaser. The teaser ends with Tiger Shroff’s dialogue, “Jab apnon par baat aati hai, tab apan ki hatt jaati hai.”
Have a look
Now, fans revealed their eagerness to watch the film on the big screen. “It’s Not A Teaser, It’s PURE GOOSEBUMPS,” a fan said and another fan said, “This bgm + action + dialogues= (fire).” Another fan said, “This movie will be a great success for Tiger.”
‘Ganapath – A Hero Is Born’ pledges a visual spectacle, seamlessly blending high-octane action sequences with a mesmerizing musical score that promises to take viewers on an epic journey. At the heart of this thrilling narrative is the rise of a fighter as he embarks on a quest to discover his destiny in an uncharted realm.
The film is all set to hit the theatres on October 20.
This is a developing copy.
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