We all love our little furry friends, don’t we? But what if we tell you that you can actually talk to your pet or any animal around? What if we tell you that you can understand your pet’s feelings and emotions and help them lead a better, happier life?

Sounds unbelievable, right?! But guess what, it’s true. Read on as we decode what “Animal Communication Therapy” is all about. 


Animal Communication Telepathy simply means to connect with animals in order to understand their feelings with the help of intuitive abilities. The word ‘telepathy’ in itself means distance communication, and in this therapy, the communicator or the owner converses with the pet (or even a wild animal) by focusing on their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

It is similar to the mechanism of counselling and guidance sought by humans, but here it is meant for animals. Once an individual gets connected to the animal, they keep on counselling them and assure that things change for the better.


While there are no clear-cut claims or sureties of this therapy, several researches, academic literature, and animal therapists emphasise that the communication between humans and animals is facilitated because they share similar mental capabilities and perceptions.

Rupert Sheldrake, Director of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Cambridge University, is one of the notable researchers who explored the psychic connections between humans and animals. He defined this phenomenon as ‘invisible’ connections’ or ‘morphic fields’ created through social interaction.

Since it’s a psychological thing, one needs to believe in the process, as the moment you start to trust, things start working.

Animal communicator Kiran Narang says that this therapy is guided by our belief system, energy, and spirituality.  She adds, “Everything that’s happening around us is a result of the exchange of vibrations, and we all vibrate at a particular frequency. When our frequency matches the animal’s, we connect with them on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level. “


Telepathy with a pet is not at all difficult and just requires learning some basic principles as this art is present in all—it is ‘innate’.

One doesn’t need to be in physical proximity or in front of the pet for telepathic communication. The communicator can talk to the animal even when they are in some other corner of the world, are lost, or are sleeping or eating.

Kiran suggests, “Setting the intention and a desired goal before starting the interaction is important as it helps the communicator or parent calm down, unwind, engage in deep breathing, and slow down their pace. That is how one gets connected to the pet and their frequency. “

One can also do some animal telepathy courses and attend workshops as it aids the process of learning and unlearning.


Animal communication could be done either out of curiosity or when a need arises. It’s just like a normal counselling session or a routine consultation that’s conducted to help and understand pets. This, in turn, also helps their parents. One can also have a session done for their pet to find out what makes them happy or sad, what they like and what they don’t. “If there’s any behavioural problem that the pet or animal is facing, then going for animal telepathy becomes all the way important,” Kiran concludes.

Animal comunicator Kiran Narang said,“Everything that’s happening around us is a result of the exchange of vibrations, and we all vibrate at a particular frequency. When our frequency matches the animal’s, we connect with them on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level.


The benefits that such communication provides for people are widely discussed in Alan Beck and Aubrey H. Fine’s Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy. Researchers and communicators note that animal telepathy leads to an overall sense of happiness, the ability to recover from serious illness and to cope with trauma and loss, and an increased willingness to engage in positive social interactions with others.A BETTER BOND WITH THE PARENT

Once the parent and their pet undergo the telepathic process, a positive change in terms of their bonding and relationship can be observed. The parent gets to know what their pet is feeling and that makes their relationship wholesome. This happens since when one feels the pet’s energy, they make sense of the vibrations and thoughts coming their way.


Since animals are emotional creatures, they feel all sorts of emotions such as anger, joy, grief, etc. just like humans. However, animals can’t vocally express themselves, and so they convey it all telepathically. Establishing a comfortable, safe zone of communication also helps the pets overcome any past traumas or unresolved conflicts from their childhood.


Being a pet owner comes with a lot of added responsibilities, and it becomes very problematic if the pet is not behaving properly, peeing, or littering around. Animal communicator suggests talking to the pet and making them realise that their ways are becoming a hurdle for their owners. Kiran suggests, “Talking it out works the best and is very beneficial as the parent can manage everything and also ensure health and hygiene with ease.”


The process of resolving the problem or issue is a two-way arrangement and is dealt with not only from the pet’s side, but also from the pet owner or parent’s side. The pet owner is asked to look into the problems and amend their ways accordingly. Once the parent changes their behaviour towards the pet, the latter starts showing signs of improvement instantly.