Congress MP from Thiruvananthapuram Shashi Tharoor on Saturday said the party could have been more vocal on the Bilkis Bano case, murders in the name of “cow vigilantism,” and similar other issues.
Speaking at the 85th plenary session of the party in Raipur, Tharoor spoke on a range of matters and said, “We (Congress) could have been more vocal on the Bilkis Bano outrage, murders in the name of cow vigilantism, & similar issues. Indian people look for support from us.
If we are not speaking up, we are surrendering our core responsibility.” On August 15, 2022, the Gujarat government released the 11 convicts who were sentenced to life imprisonment for raping Bilkis Bano and killing her family members during the 2002 Godhra riots.
Besides, the Thiruvananthapuram MP also touched upon the alleged attacks on Churches.
He weighed making attempts to strengthen the secular foundations of the country. Among other things, a Congress MP launched a scathing attack on the Modi government, claiming that it refused to take the nation into confidence on critical foreign policies, including the LAC showdown with China.
Tharoor reiterated his concern in conversation with the media after the event and said, “I spoke about the violence that is being inflicted in the name of ‘Gau Rakshak.’ The Congress party’s ideology is aligned with the idea of speaking against injustice.”
Earlier this week, while speaking on party leader Pawan Khera’s arrest, Tharoor termed the government’s move as “shocking and outrageous,” saying “there is no law in India that people can’t make jokes about the Prime Minister.”
Congress’ three days long plenary session ended today with former Congress president and Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi making an extensive remark on the party’s Bharat Jodo Yatra.