MUMBAI: Actor Taapsee Pannu’s ‘Thappad’ has made it to the Cannes Lions winners’ list as it bagged the silver medal for ‘The World’s Most Reported Trailer’ on day three of the event. Film’s director Anubhav Sinha took to his Instagram handle and shared the news by posting a short video of the results released digitally on Wednesday. In the caption, he wrote, “THAPPAD wins Cannes Lions SILVER for its ‘Most reported trailer campaign’. What a birthday gift Team. @triggerhappyentertainment #AmitChandrra ZINDABAD!!!”
The promotional campaign featured on YouTube and other official social media sites of the film included the scene from the movie wherein the male lead (played by Pavail Gulati) slaps his wife (Taapsee Pannu) during a party, in front of the guests.
It was campaigned by Dentsu Webchutney and produced by Trigger Happy Entertainment Pvt Ltd. It was a part of the film’s second trailer that aimed to spread awareness about domestic violence, on which the whole plot of the story was based.
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