Makers of the upcoming film ‘Thank You For Coming’ on Tuesday unveiled a new poster of actor Bhumi Pednekar. Taking to Instagram, Bhumi shared the poster which she captioned, “When the ending is before the beginning..Don’t forget to watch #ThankYouForComing. Trailer out on 6th Sept, 1:50 PM.”
In the poster, Bhumi could be seen lying on her bed and looking surprised.
The makers are all set to unveil the trailer of the film on September 6.
‘Thank You For Coming’ is headlined by Bhumi. Dolly Singh, Kusha Kapila, Shibani Bedi, Pradhuman Singh Mall, Natasha Rastogi, Gautmik, Sushant Divgikar, Saloni Daini, Dolly Ahluwalia, Karan Kundrra and Anil Kapoor are also in the film.
The movie will premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) 2023.
Karan Boolani has directed the film, which will be out on October 6.
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