January 25 was the Hindu festival Thaipusam and it was celebrated with a lot of pomp across Tamil Nadu in all the Lord Murugan temples. Thaipusam is dedicated to Lord Murugan (Kartikeya) and is the day when Lord Murugan vanquished the demon Surapadman with his vel (spear). This day falls on the first full moon day of January or Thai (Tamil month) on the Pusam (Pushya) star day. Devotees celebrate the day with numerous rituals, like piercing their tongue or cheek with the vel (spear) and walking across blazing coal. This is the day that devotees thank Lord Murugan for fulfilling their wishes and
One of the most famous events that Lord Murugan devotees throng to watch is the Thaipusam jyoti darshan (lighting of the lamp) at Vadalur’s Sathya Gnana Sabha, Cuddalore district. Saint Ramalinga Adigalar established the Sathya Gnana Sabha in 1867 and lakhs of devotees come to witness this special Thaipusam jyoti darshan each year.
2024 was the 153rd Thaipusa Jyoti Darshan festival at Sathya Gnana Sabha. More than 800 police personnel were deployed at Vadalur along with CCTv cameras to monitor the large crowds on January 25.
Thaipusam is an important Hindu festival in Tamil Nadu. This holy day involves severe penance and sacrifice to express devotion and seek blessings, giving it great spiritual and cultural significance. Lord Murugan devotees undertake physical treks which represent his or her perseverance, faith and willingness to face adversity to attain spiritual fulfilment.
The devotees dressed in yellow (Lord Murugan’s colour) and if they have taken any religious vows, fulfill them on this day. This festival signifies cultural identity, religious passion and community unity among Hindus. It serves as a powerful reminder of the victory of virtue over evil.
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