In the aftermath of the ambush where four soldiers lost their lives due to a terrorist attack on two Army trucks in Poonch, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha remarked on Tuesday that the presence of merely 20-25 terrorists cannot intimidate the residents of the Union Territory. Speaking at a Veer Bal Diwas event in Jammu, he highlighted ongoing efforts aimed at disrupting peace in Jammu and Kashmir.

“Terrorists cannot scare the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Society needs to stand together against such people. The nation resolves to bring peace and development to Jammu and Kashmir….Now it’s time to stand together against these anarchists. Just 20-25 terrorists cannot scare the people of J-K,” he said.
He further said that terrorism and the whole ecosystem supporting it need to be eliminated. Sinha also said that the UT is moving forward under the leadership of PM Modi. The statement by the LG came after the terrorist attack on two Army vehicles in Poonch on December 21, which killed four soldiers.

LG Sinha also paid his respects to the Sahibzades, the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji on the occasion of Veer Baal Diwas. Earlier in a post on X, he described them as the “epitome of courage, bravery and sacrifice,” highlighting their unwavering dedication to their faith and values. “On the occasion of Veer Baal Diwas, my humble tributes to the Sahibzades, the epitome of courage, bravery, and sacrifice. The unwavering strength of Mata Gujri ji & Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj inspire all of us to uphold the unity and integrity of the nation,” he said.

Last year, on the Prakash Purab of Sri Guru Gobind Singh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that December 26 would be marked as ‘Veer Bal Diwas’. The day honours the sacrifices of “Sahibzade”, four sons of Guru Gobind Singh.