In a concerning development, tensions have surged along the Jammu International Border as Pakistan Rangers initiated firing at Border Security Force (BSF) posts in the Makwal area of Jammu. The exchange of fire has sparked heightened concerns, with both sides engaged in the confrontation.

Reports indicate that Pakistani forces launched cross-border firing from their territory, specifically targeting the BSF Border Outpost (BOP). Thirteen Chinab Rangers of Pakistan are reportedly involved in the incident, adding to the gravity of the situation.

According to sources within the BSF, the firing commenced at approximately 5:45 PM today evening, characterized as an unprovoked act of aggression from the Pakistan side. The intensity of the confrontation reached its peak during a heavy exchange of fire lasting over 25 minutes, followed by sporadic gunfire.

The timing of this aggression is particularly alarming, coming just days after a Pakistani intruder was apprehended by the BSF while attempting to infiltrate Jammu and Kashmir from the same area.

This incident has prompted authorities to issue a high alert, underscoring the volatile nature of the current situation along the border. The ongoing exchange of fire underscores the fragile state of affairs between India and Pakistan, reigniting concerns over border security and the potential for further escalation in the region. As the situation unfolds, both sides remain on high alert, with efforts underway to de-escalate tensions and restore stability along the border.