Seven individuals were arrested by the Telangana police for impersonation in an online English eligibility test used for admission to international universities. Acting on information from credible sources, the Special Operations Team (SOT) LB Nagar zone apprehended the suspects at Venkateshwara Lodge. They were taking the Duolingo Exam, an online English test, to gain admission to universities in the USA, Ireland, and Australia by impersonating others, under the jurisdiction of the Hayathnagar police station.
The accused were allegedly charging students between Rs. 5,000 to 10,000 each to achieve qualifying scores in the exam. The arrested individuals, along with the seized property, were handed over to the Hayathnagar police station for further investigation.
The arrested individuals were identified as Kandakatla Praveen Reddy, Trivedhi Harinath, Banala Krishna, Edavally Aravind Reddy, Nenavath Santhosh, Malladi Naveen Kumar, and Alakuntla Vinay. The police confiscated five laptops, four passports, seven cellphones, one keyboard, and one mouse from the accused.
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