Telangana BJP President Bandi Sanjay Kumar claimed on Wednesday that he was detained by police in a late-night operation, a day after demanding that chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao reveal his post-graduate degree certificates. By arresting him for questioning the ruling party, the BJP MP accused the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) of political vendetta.
The metro track and even the ticket counter of this new metro station were flooded with rainwater in a video that went viral on the internet, raising several concerns about the quality of construction.
Metro employees were also seen pumping the flooded water out of the metro station. Whitefield Rising’s social media handle shared videos of flooded metro stations and wrote, “Inside the brand new Nallurhalli Metro station.” There is also water on the platform near the ticketing counter. @cpronammametro one rain, and water has completely seeped inside.”
After a single spell of rain on Tuesday evening, not only the metro station but also several roads in east Bengaluru were inundated with water. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the KR Puram-Whitefield metro line in March, referring to it as a result of their double engine government.
Meanwhile, the Congress party claimed that the Prime Minister launched an unfinished metro line, claiming that it could endanger public safety.
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