Bengaluru MP and newly-appointed president of the BJP’s youth wing Tejasvi Surya has come under harsh criticism after his remark on Sunday, in which he said that Bengaluru has become an epicentre of terror activities. “In the last few years, Bengaluru, the Silicon Valley of India, has become epicentre of terror activities. It has been proved through many arrests and sleeper terror cells busted by the investigative agency in the city,” Surya said. Congress which is the principal opposition party in Karnataka, has asked for the resignation of the newly appointed BJP youth wing president Tejasvi Surya. Congress leader B K Hariprasad, who lost to Surya in the Lok Sabha polls, said he is just trying to please his masters and alleged that Surya’s statement casts aspersions on the Chief Minister.

“Wonder what Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa and Home Minister B Bommai have to say about their own MP Tejasvi Surya calling Bengaluru an epic centre of terror activities. Besides denting Bengaluru’s image as an investors destination this is also an indirect attack on Yediyurappa” he said. Congress state President DK Shivakumar in a tweet said, “BJP MP Tejasvi Surya calling Bengaluru, a global city known for Technology and Innovation, as an epicentre of terror is highly condemnable. GDP growth has crashed and with such statements, which investor will come to Bengaluru & Karnataka? Will PM and FM answer.” Another leader Rajeev Gowda said, “I am deeply pained that an MP representing Bengaluru is denigrating Namma Ooru with baseless allegations. Such irresponsible statements impact people’s lives and besmirch our city’s reputation.” Gowda said, “To curry favour with your Boss, don’t unleash divisive agendas that disrupt our harmony