Bihar’s politics might be witnessing a complex time, but it’s never too much to enjoy a little bit. Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Tejashwi Yadav hopped on stage Saturday alongside popular Bollywood singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya and sang a heartfelt duet with him at an event in Bihar. Tejashwi Yadav, son of RJD Chief Lalu Prasad Yadav, shared a glimpse of the “Surya Mahotsav 2023” event, organized in Aurangabad, on Saturday. RJD’s leader could be seen singing a song from an SRK movie with the singer. Tejashwi posted a video from his official Twitter handle and wrote, “On the occasion of the inauguration of Surya Mahotsav, 2023, organized at Dev in Aurangabad district, the famous Hindi film singer Abhijit, Bhattacharya, managed to make me sing along.” , In the video, Tejashwi sang along with Abhijeet, the title track from Shah Rukh Khan’s 1994 movie Anjaam, “Badi Mushkil Hai,” thus showing the unexplored sides of Bihar.
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