MUMBAI: Ahead of the release of the love song, ‘Filhaal 2’, makers on Wednesday unveiled its teaser featuring Akshay Kumar and Nupur Sanon. In the teaser, a heartbroken Akshay Kumar can be seen dancing at Nupur Sanon’s wedding. For the unversed, ‘Filhaal 2’ is a sequel to the hit song ‘Filhaal’, which was sung by Punjabi singer B Praak. The new version is sung by B Praak only. Arvindr Khaira has directed the video. Punjabi star Ammy Virk is also a part of the song. Sharing the link of the teaser on Instagram, Akshay Kumar wrote, “Filhaal se mohabbat karne ka samay aa rha hai.”
Speaking of the teaser, a brief glimpse of characters Dr Kabir Malhotra (played by Akshay Kumar) and Meher Grewal (essayed by Nupur Sanon) have surely left fans curious.