Sujay Krishna Bhadra, also known as Kalighater Kaku was detained by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with the West Bengal teachers’ recruitment scam case. After about ten hours of questioning, Bhadra was taken into custody. Suvendu Adhikari, the leader of the opposition in the West Bengal Assembly, responded to the most recent arrest in the recruitment scam case by declaring that no one engaged in the case will be spared and that even the powerful will face prison time.
He also sent out a tweet listing the alleged associates of Bhadra. Sujay Krishna Bhadra aka ‘Kalighat-er Kaku was arrested. The long arm of the law is finally reaching towards the masterminds & the biggest beneficiaries. No one will be spared. The high and mighty will go to jail. Time is ticking..,” the BJP leader tweeted.
He listed Amit Banerjee, Biswanath Bhattacharyya, Lata Banerjee, and Rujira Banerjee as the alleged associates of ‘Kalighater Kaku’ in his tweet. The last named is the wife of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s nephew and Trinamool Congress leader, Abhishek Banerjee.
Earlier, on April 17, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested TMC MLA Jiban Krishna Saha in the case, sources in the agency confirmed.
Saha is an MLA from the Burwan constituency of West Bengal and was arrested from his residence in Murshidabad district.
Earlier, on April 14, CBI conducted searches at six locations, including the premises of Saha in connection with its ongoing investigation into the alleged teachers’ recruitment scam.
Saha was the third TMC MLA, after former state Education minister Partha Chatterjee and Manik Bhattacharya, to be arrested by the CBI in the case.
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