The Bakhasar police station in Barmer successfully apprehended the teacher accused of raping and murdering a schoolgirl three days ago. The accused, identified as Prahlad Ram Meghwal (32), was found taking refuge at a relative’s residence in the Ramnagaria police station area of the Commissionerate before being taken into custody. The police have also detained the relative who assisted the accused in evading capture.

According to SP Digant Anand, Prahlad Ram Meghwal, a resident of Chhota Hathala village in the Bakhasar police station area, used to provide tuition to a minor schoolgirl in a neighbouring village. On January 21, he allegedly raped the student when she was alone at home and subsequently strangled her to death.

After committing the crime, the accused teacher fled the scene, placing the victim’s lifeless body in a water tank. Upon their return home, the family discovered their daughter’s lifeless body in the water tank and promptly notified the police.

Following the revelation of rape and murder in the post-mortem report, a special team was assembled under the supervision of Additional Superintendent of Police Satyendra Pal Singh and Deputy Superintendent of Police Sukhram Vishnoi. The police initiated a thorough search, considering the teacher as the primary suspect, based on information from neighbours and an informant.

Upon reviewing CCTV footage from Barmer City, the suspect was observed heading towards Rewale station. After investigating Rewale station, a special police team was dispatched to Jaipur upon receiving accurate information that the accused teacher had boarded a train bound for Jaipur on the day of the incident.

Collaborating with Commissionerate Police, the team raided the relative’s residence in the Ramnagiriya police station area on January 24 and successfully arrested Prahlad. The relative who aided his escape was also taken into custody for further investigation.