Telugu Desam Party (TDP) general secretary and son of former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh N. Chandrababu Naidu, Nara Lokesh condemned the demolition of houses belonging to the poor people at Atmakur village under the Mangalagiri Assembly constituency in the Guntur district. Lokesh blamed YCP MLA Alla Ramakrishna Reddy for acting without humanity towards the poor residents who have been living there for over 40 years. It was only at the instance of the ruling party MLA that the revenue and police officials carried out the demolitions even though there were pending court cases with regard to these houses.

In a statement here, Lokesh recalled how the unprincipled YCP leaders had carried out vicious propaganda during the 2019 elections that the TDP would demolish houses of poor families if elected to power. But after winning the election, the YCP MLAs have started targeting the poor people’s small houses without any sympathy or solidarity. This two-faced policy of the Jaganmohan Reddy regime was exposed in the latest demolitions taken up in Mangalagiri area.

Lokesh demanded the Mangalagiri MLA to explain to the people why they had ruthlessly thrown the poor people out on the roads without their belongings. The CM and his party MLAs promised to construct lakhs of houses for the poor families prior to the elections but not a single house was constructed in the past two years. On the other hand, the Jagan Reddy Government was pulling down the very houses that the poor families had constructed with their hard earned money.

Strongly objecting to the Government’s indifference, Nara Lokesh asserted that their party would stand by the hapless poor families in their hour of trouble. As a responsible opposition party, the TDP would do everything possible till the displaced families gets justice that they deserve. The Jagan Reddy regime had no right to deprive the poor families of their right to house.