Tazkira, a four-day art exhibition strengthening the mutual relations between India and Iran, started on Monday at the Welcome Art Gallery, ITC Rajputana. In this art exhibition organised by Jaipur Art Summit, art lovers got to see traditional paintings, handicrafts and miniature art of India and Iran.
During the Tazkira Art Exhibition, art lovers could closely see, hear and understand the interrelationship of religion, society and culture and the combination of colours in Indian and Iranian art styles.
Giving information about the exhibition, Dr SK Bhatt, Founder and Director of Jaipur Art Summit, said that this art exhibition is being organised under the Artist Exchange Program of India-Iran. During this exhibition, art lovers will get a chance to see Iran’s traditional arts and handicrafts closely.
Deependra Rana, General Manager, ITC Rajputana, thanked all the participating artists and visitors and said that the world of art is full of possibilities, which is why today’s geographical boundaries inspire artists to create with artistic exploration.