Tamil Nadu is not new to seeing their stars enter the political arena and Vijay is the latest Tamil actor who will make the big leap. There have been various reports in 2023 about Vijay’s political entry and now, it looks like the actor’s fan club has started the groundwork at the grassroot level. His Thalapathy Vijay Makkal Iyakkam (TVMI), the fan club-turned-welfare organization, under its general secretary Bussy N. Anand, has reportedly started laying the groundwork across the state. Bussy Anand was at an event in Cuddalore on Wednesday morning where the TVMI distributed shawls and initiated some welfare measures for auto drivers. Speaking to reporters after the event, Anand explained that to strengthen the TVMI, they had formed several wings such as the women’s wing, social media wing, youth wing and student wing in every district. “Now, we have a labour wing in Tirupur and surrounding districts in the West zone where the labourers are high in numbers,” he added.
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