Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. K. Stalin will introduce a resolution imploring the Union Government not to postpone the Sethusamudram Project because it is crucial for the economic growth of Tamil Nadu and India.

M.K. Stalin, the chief minister and president of the DMK, said on Saturday that the Sethusamudram project should be revived for the benefit of Tamil Nadu and India, and that DMK treasurer TR Baalu should take on the task since he was crucial in starting the construction on this massive project in 2005. The Chief Minister recalled how the BJP halted the Sethusamudram project while speaking after Baalu’s book, PaathaiMaaraPayanam (An Unwavering Journey), was released in two volumes at the DMK headquarters.

Now, a BJP-affiliated government minister claims that there is no concrete evidence supporting the presence of Ram Sethu close to Rameswaram. On 23 July, 1967, former Chief Minister Arignar Anna organized a day to reaffirm the need for the Sethusamudram project to be implemented throughout Tamil Nadu.

CM Stalin stated “due to political reasons, BJP opposed Sethusamudram project. Former chief minister of Tamil Nadu, Jayalalita was in favor off this project but suddenly changed her stand and filed a case against it”

CM Stalin, the chief minister of Tamil Nadu said “The Sethusamudram Project is essential to strengthen the economic growth of  Tamil Nadu’s and India. This great project was originally conceived in the year 1860 by Commander Taylor at a cost of 50 lakhs rupees.

He added that the feasibility assessment for the project had been authorized by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee during the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) administration.

The chief minister outlined the advantages of the project, claiming that it will strengthen the state’s economy and support the southern regions in particular by ensuring job opportunities for the youth living there.

However, a roadblock was made as these project works were being done. The Union Minister stated in the Parliament that “it would be very difficult to say about the type of structure seen in Rameshwaram coast” using the same justification that these obstacles were constructed.

This house expresses worry that the ongoing delay in the project’s implementation will obstruct Tamil Nadu’s development and growth given the existing stance of the Union Government.

This house has concluded that certain forces’ attempts to further delay the completion of this project are not in the interests of the development of our country. This House decides that the Union Government should act right away to put this into effect.