Following heavy rains in some parts of Tamil Nadu, a landslide struck the Burliyar area of Coonoor in the Nilgiris district, causing vehicular movement to come to a stop. From the location, the images showed long lines of cars on either side of the street. Michaung, a powerful cyclonic storm, devastated Chennai, Tiruvallur, the districts of Kanchipuram, and portions of neighboring Andhra Pradesh earlier this week. The storm caused extensive damage to both states. Following Cyclone Michaungm, an extended period of rain fell on parts of Tamil Nadu, including Chennai, causing significant flooding.
The showers continued unabated on Saturday as well.
Amid the severe fallout of the cyclone and its aftermath, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin announced a relief package, which includes cash assistance of Rs 6,000 each to those affected and increased compensation in various categories, including enhanced payouts for flood-affected crops for farmers.
The Tamil Nadu government also raised the amounts of compensation for different kinds of damage wrought by the cyclone.
The compensation for the kin of those who died due to the storm and the flooding that followed was raised from Rs 4 lakh to Rs 5 lakh.
The grant for the loss of standing crops was increased from Rs 13,500 to Rs 17,000 per hectare, and the compensation for damaged huts was increased from Rs 5,000 to Rs 8,000.
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The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.